Fundamentals of Quantum Computing and Sensing

Welcome to the Fundamentals of quantum computing and sensing workshop to be held at Illinois Institute of Technology on April 30, 2021. We are bringing experts from industry, academia and national labs working in the area of quantum information science together, virtually at Illinois Institute of Technology. Our goal is to introduce our students and faculty at Illinois Institute of Technology to the areas of quantum computing and sensing through talks from the experts and hands-on tutorials on IBM's quantum computers. All departments’ affiliates at Illinois Institute of Technology are welcome to register for the program. Registration is open until 12:00PM April 29, 2021.

Rakshya Khatiwada, John Zasadzinski, Carlo Segre, Matthew Otten, and Pedro Rivero

National Quantum Initiative

The National Quantum Initiative Act (NQI Act) was signed into law by President Trump on December 21, 2018 “to accelerate quantum research and development for the economic and national security of the United States.” The NQI Act authorizes the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Department of Energy (DOE), to strengthen QIS Programs, Centers, and Consortia.

The NQI Act also calls for a coordinated approach to QIS Research and Development (R&D) efforts across the United States Government, including the civilian, defense, and intelligence sectors. To guide these actions, the NQI Act legislates some responsibilities for the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science (SCQIS), the National Quantum Coordination Office (NQCO), and the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee (NQIAC).

Recognizing that QIS technologies have commercial and defense applications, additional authorization for QIS R&D is legislated by the National Defense Authorization Act. Civilian, defense, and intelligence agencies all have a long history of investments in QIS, and have a stake in future QIS discoveries and technology development. The National Quantum Initiative now provides an overarching framework to strengthen and coordinate QIS R&D activities across U.S. Departments and Agencies, private sector industry, and the academic community.


Quantum Information Science in Chicago

National QIS Research Centers constitute the first large-scale QIS effort that crosses the technical breadth of SC. The aim of the Centers, coupled with DOE’s core research portfolio, is to create and to steward the ecosystem needed to foster and facilitate advancement of QIS, with major anticipated national impact on national security, economic competitiveness, and America’s continued leadership in science.

Each Center incorporates a collaborative research team spanning multiple scientific and engineering disciplines and multiple institutions. In addition, each Center seamlessly integrates the science and technology innovation chain to accelerate progress in QIS research and development, to facilitate technology transfer, and to build the quantum workforce of the future.

Chicagoland national labs and institutions are involved in NQI through its five different centers: Q-NEXT, C2QA, SQMS, QSA, and QSC. Out of these five, Chicagoland itself leads two NQI centers: Q-NEXT and SQMS under the leadership of Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab respectively. Q-NEXT will create a focused, connected ecosystem to deliver quantum interconnects, to establish national foundries, and to demonstrate communication links, networks of sensors, and simulation testbeds. On the other hand, the primary mission of SQMS is to achieve transformational advances in the major crosscutting challenge of understanding and eliminating the decoherence mechanisms in superconducting 2D and 3D devices, with the goal of enabling construction and deployment of superior quantum systems for computing and sensing.
